Friday, September 2, 2022

Instinct, Reasoning, Rationalization... Is it Science?

When it comes to understanding science, nature, behavior and other aspects What is your favorite style?
Is it what you have a hunch, that helps in theorizing?
Do you believe in whatever gut feeling you have, and can you generalize, based on that unspecific thought, and take action?
Do you always think, whatever one says is an end all and be all?
What is it that motivates you to think of something and enquire the truth?
if you think someone is an expert, do you take 100% of whatever they say is true?
Do you share your work with others and allow them to examine?
Are we talking some sense?

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Is quality better than quantity

We learn about creating value to the consumer, by companies.
We also see that many a population of the world is having lack of resources.
So, is creating value by specializing in the utility of a product, so much wrong that it is catering to the 1% of wealthier, rather than the 99% of common person?
Is producing art so illogical?
Just a thought... Jiji is now chewing over a chewey....!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Some Thoughts On Progress And Motivation

When we came to USA in 1990 and reached TX in 1991, after a 10 day warm welcome by my brother Vijay and sister in law Gretchen and their two beautiful cats, a golden Tabby and a White darlings, for Christmas during 1990, it was so beautiful, going to the park hill, some old classic homes that stood test of time over 200 years and kept alive to show the world how it was back then, we were back on earth at College Station and the reality dawned after a few days or weeks with Anirudh having culture shock to use the western water closet and it was not understood why for two weeks to come he had to withhold bowel movement.. he was hardly 4 years old.

On Jan 2, 1991, he said first thing in the morning, "ee chali deshaniki naanna endukanna vachcharo emo" (Wonder why has my father come to this very, cold country..)

 Fortunately, with lot of medical bills aside the insurance and worry, he was slowly back to normalcy as he began schooling in Head start at South Knoll school, and got fantastically adjusted. He was up, energetic, enjoyed the buckets of new Lego toys Vijay mama and Srinivas uncle gave and used to construct rockets, break them and remake them, everyday. He would first make airplanes with legos, and hundreds of them draw them on papers with crayons of all colors, 48 or 64 of them Vijay mamayya got for him. Vijay anna, bought not only those, he also bought Microwave, dinner set, silverware, making sure we got the basic home set up, from service merchandise. As for some basic groceries, we bought on our way from Houston to College Station stopping to shopping at Houston, that was only possible when we could get a ride from Shravan mama. (my cousin)

I had difficulty in adjusting to stay 24/7 home while Balu was at school, however come Summer, I was enrolled in one basic course in Sociology, just so I could maintain my student medical/health insurance.

Fact to remember was, how the airplanes turned to rockets as our stay progressed and watching News over TV brought about knowledge of Space ships, which Sriram also used to draw as a kid. both boys would spend hours in constructing planes, rockets and break them again, and remake painstakingly and not caring even if they worked almost until the end of the day, as the Lego pieces got tinier and their fine motor skills improved. And in 2003, they had their first Nintendo, that was returned and PlayStation was bought from Xmas bonus from 2002. was it 1997? not sure. Yes, we were in Houston by that time, dad graduated with his PhD in one hand, holding two year old Sriram in the other who pulled his cap away! They said, “you guys at that time were the youngest ever Aggies in the campus!” While back in Sugarland both of you going to Colony Meadows and First Colony MS back then... I tried to do substituting...

 There is a reason I was recollecting this: as I was reading about a study on progress, the author watches his young grandson(?) Nathaniel, play Legos, as he was constructing rockets and space ships, making and remaking even better ones as he went on reshuffling the Lego pieces in a better way. He finds it interesting and intriguing and wants to find, what was the motivating factor, for the boy to repeat doing that. One of the boys, Caleb, in a different study was struggling hard to touch the ceiling with his balloon, and keeps falling down as he moves from a chair or table or bed as his launch area, so that he could send his balloon to touch the ceiling above. If he did not succeed, he would try over and over.

Remembered the poem, Try, Try Again, that we read as grade school students in 6th grade or so..

No matter how old you may be, your dreams are the motivating factors, so dream big!

What was the factor, that motivated that boy, even when it was not possible to reach his imagination, and did not let him settle to meager ones, as he tried over and over to rebuilt a better rocket?

Is that what creates and makes progress possible… I wonder, as I sip my morning coffee..

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

S2 Writing Series With Uma Jiji

Series: 2 How do I write?


Writing for some is a catharsis, they say.

Some say it is a panacea, and they are penchant to write, lest they be lost in the burden of the thoughts raking waves of disturbances, that may affect their mind, and suppress toxins which otherwise might injure their health as they conjure them souls that are gone away, and may return to as well as dwell on them to feast.

So a seed of thought might turn itself into a tree of creeps of sorts and build a nest so humongous that even the Mongols may have never imagined as Kublai khan inheritor of Zenghiz khan’s dynasty and empire and at one point suppressed the Wuhans by fighting them, despite the fact that his brother, who he was assisting on force, has died..

Did the Wuhans souls who died reincarnated as the viruses? Is it why they cannot be controlled in one form or the other.. Ahem.. more cryptic sciences if one may…

So, you have a thought, a seed and you drill it, a dozen times and create a cryptic thought or whatever you may, apply it to the present situation, add more cryptology science and crates of sciences and design a book, a novel, a study or think what you may..

And then, as your cryptic thoughts are functioning, your anticryptic positive side of brain takes charge and drives you away from getting yourself into nuts and may be throw light on what may or may not work and leads you to further progress until you may pause ..

Do not let it stop you! Now tell yourself to wake up and proceed further!

What are you working on now?

Let me hear too! How is it going for you? XXOO

Uma Jiji

Monday, January 3, 2022

A Series On Writing, No!? Seriously !

How do I write?

When I question myself, how do I write, the first thing that comes to my mind is why do I write?

Why do I write of songs so lost

Why do I sing those songs oh so lost…

If it is a poem, I write what my heart feels, mind perceives or words convey, my feelings of lost, that first and foremost may convey that there once may have been a sense of belongingness.

Once Srirama is said to have told his brother Lakshmana, Hey brother, Lakshmana, no matter how loving or close a relationship be, one day or the other, or one time or the other, it will be broken, it will be lost.

If the Lord has said something in those lines to the brother Lakshmana, what product are we to know anything else?

Despite a loving relationship all along in one’s lifetime, all through, when the life is lost, there is no more togetherness. Every soul leads an independent journey to seek Him or their mission.

Coming to the point of writing, it is thought that runs ones life, or leads one to write.

These thoughts can be generated through processes that may be generated due to activity or feeling, or necessity or care or any other umpteen reasons.

The seed is the thought.

Once a thought is generated, an idea takes form.

You would churn on the idea so much that it will evolve further.

If you keep churning the idea and not take any further action, but keep boiling the thoughts over and over again, what would happen?

Think about it until next and let me know what would or might happen, as a response.

May be you could let us know other things that might interest you… what may or may not work in your case..

Or perhaps, what you may want to pursue, or advise or go after..

Until later!