Saturday, March 1, 2025

Grandma is In Charge

 Grandma Roshni was very kind and raised some birds and animals. One day it was raining heavily and grandma was feeling very cold and feverish. She took some Tylenol and had warm coco milk and was resting on her couch watching the cartoons and other shows. Grandma's favorite was either roadshow or Sesame Street.

She liked the big bird most of all.

On that Friday morning Grandma was feeling rather tired and was taking an afternoon nap. The neighbors were moving that day and they had some cats. One of them was peach colored and the other was a dark brown one. Both were adorable. Every time grandma would sit in the backyard, Peach would come purring to feel her human touch.

On moving day the family left early. Grandma was reading a book, and she did not notice how much time she spent in reading the book. Suddenly from some where she heard a sound. A very feeble sound.

She heard that sound again. She called her neighbors but they already moved. Peach was calling out from the empty home.

Grandma Roshni kept water and some cookies outside, just in case peach may want to come in.

Grandma remembered the story of a young boy who later became a saint after watching something about a neighbor’s cat. Once there was this young boy who was youngest among the children in a place near Kanchipuram. At that time he was fondly called as Gini which means a young beautiful  bird. Gini was seven when everyone in the neighbors left to visit some place. There were huge sounds coming out of the empty home all through the dark star-studded night. The sounds were so loud, the entire neighborhood flocked around to see if it was a thief. All kinds of sounds as if their were some metallic round thing was rolling around in the air and flying like a big football. All the time making rumbling noises. The people were thinking it may be an alien flying around in the home, until the neighbors returned. As soon as they opened the door, they went in and saw what caused the noise. It was a cat, that stuck it’s head in a container with small opening. Looked like the neighbors prepared some sweet rice product and left in a rush without cleaning the utensils. The cat liked the taste of the food and got into so much deep that it just could not pull itself out of the small opening at all.

This incident had so much impact on Gini that in his 90th year or so, when he told this for the first time,  he had to stop and stare constantly into space before speaking further. He felt that, a man with his desire to excel and conquer everything gets deeper into the web of cycle of life and death, and can never come out of it or perform or seek anything that is parabrahma. This incident finds itself as the reason, why a less than 13 year old turned into Kanchi Paramacharya, who is also called as Periyava. It became popular after the grains  got harvested, when people had more reason to celebrate and offered luxurious lifestyles and people were more into buying properties, or accumulating wealth and going away from the natural life that they were once so much into the nature of everything that was provided by nature, now even the sound of crickets they have to hear though electronic devices, and kids do not know how they even look like.

Sudden sound of soft purring brought her back into the reality and picked up Peach. She called the veterinarian and had Peach checked for microchips, Fortunately it had a phone number too. It was not possible to reach them immediately since it was a landlines. Most likely the landlines is not yet connected.

Day 1 after the cat was found : Grandma took Charge

Peach was very shy kitten. It did not venture out into the open or near the swimming pool. It had to stay indoors and a litter box and bowl for food and water needed to be bought. She ordered Friskies from Petco that delivered some cat food.

Peach was a little dehydrated but Grandma’s cookies and water kept it from getting too much starved.  Grandma’s home provided shelter and warmth as well as some nourishment, more so to the soul with Grandma’s soft talk.

Day 2: Grandma still in charge

That morning Grandma got up early, gave some milk and snacks to Peach and Grandma loved to make strawberry shortcakes. That afternoon, neighbors visited one at a time all day long to enquire Grandma if Peach’s family contacted them.

Alice said she could watch her until Grandma was free and she also said that she is missing Vivek, as they were good friends and played digital games regularly. They also played Chess over their computer and each of them want to beat the other. Everybody enjoyed the shortbread cakes as well as grandma’s very own soup with salad from the backyard. Grandma had grown a wide varieties of legumes and green onions and amaranth that her soup smell may have caused one to write the soup song. The flop song.. For the soup boyesss!!! Peach was tired by the end of the day playing with wool and other things and no kitty toys with Grandma.

Day 3: Grandma took Vivek’s number from Alice

The blue curtains in the kitchen area attracted Peach very much. Grandma with her love towards needle work made lovely borders on each side of the double doors curtains. She also attached small bells that only sounded if someone touched them or brushed past. Peach was excited to play with curtains and make sounds. She also enjoyed pulling the strings off the wool balls waiting to be made into crochet Afghans. Through the windows Peach was looking at the birds outside for sometime. Grandma Roshni wanted to let her out but Peach was an indoors cat. Indoors cats usually small kitten, hesitate to play alone oin the backyard.

Little later in the afternoon Vivek called back. That morning Vivek went to High School and was not available. Lilly, Alice’s sister picked up the phone. Alice texted Vivek, and told that their cat is now at Grandma’s home and in three days time it had to be shipped or will have to go to a shelter.

Day 4: Vivek’s mom gave Grandma their new landline number

Grandma was only getting to thank Lord more and more since she got not only the phone number from Vivek’s mom but also their home address and other contacts.

Grandma called the pet transport people and promptly they sent a car with a driver and caretaker, as well as a new shining crate for the kitty with softly cushioned bed and a rolling ball that sounds and other trinkets and snacks and  drinks as well as a warm cuddly blanket made of rabbit wool. They have volunteers who make packages for transport and every kitty gets their own goody bags. Although no bag is allowed with the passenger.

Finally kitty was sleeping when they took her in an four door sedan.

Day 5 Kitty reached home safe; Vivek mom took charge of Peach again.

After the restful day at their new home Peach’s mom or human called Grandma. She was very grateful that they recovered their precious one in good health.

Peach was all peachy and was in charge of her favorite activities with her favorite toys. Coco was too happy to see her mate. Grandpa Rom could not be more happy to see grandma sit back in her armchair reading Independence a novel by Chitra Divakaruni

*Soup Song link:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Some Sunshine

Around the globe there are still people who are living in the 17 th century or may be 25 centuries before the current era started. To them sunshine is very important part of their livelihood. It is nice to know that there are communities which take the heat and light of Sun and start their day. They ought to live the life of a historical human being though... That lived way back in the time continuum.
What do I mean by this?
Communities that get water from the river or from the wells far off from their living quarters.
Communities that do not have sanitation and water supply facilities.
Communities where power supply is far from their reach.
Do such communities exist?
You bet your shirt on your back, they do.
Do they exist in remote villages or in places where human dwelling is impossible?
Well, they may in such remote corners of the world, but they definitely co-exist amid the hustle bustle of the cities, where there are crowds of people living in a somewhat social life, despite the lack of sanitation, water supply, electric supply or any form of development in their living grounds.
Where are they?
Who lives in there?
May be they are the slums that are part of the urban life as much as the activity and modern technology is part of the urban areas.
For those people living in such conditions, it is a thing they have no choice but take it and work hard to change it.
Would they change the infrastructure of such communities?
No.. No no no.. You did not get what I was saying..
I did not mean that they would bring in new facilities in order to bring about that change in their lives. It is they, who move to a different locale, the circumstances would be different.
So, if Fatima Bi or wanted to wash her clothes and dry them in sunshine, she may be able to do so. However, she might have to walk to a river site or area with water abundance, at least at one point of time in the day. In their living grounds, it would not be possible, if she were to wash her clothes she wears or the clothes she uses to keep herself dry in the days when she is menstruating.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

A Prayer, In Praise Of Nature, With Gratitude

A Prayer in praise of nature, with gratitude:
Aum May All things Be Prosperous
Aum May All things Be Prosperous
Aum May All things Be Prosperous
(Shami tree:
“Prosopis cineraria, also known as ghaf, is a species of flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. It is native to arid portions of Western Asia and the Indian Subcontinent, including Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, India, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Its leaves are bipinnate. It can survive extreme drought. It is an established introduced species in parts of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia.[dead link “)*
May this Shami tree erase all bad effects, 
(Shami tree helps in fighting pollution by delivering fresh oxygen, and helps in taking away bad effects due to lack of life supporting Oxygen.)
May the Shami tree protect from enemies
 ( Shami tree can survive in drought and bring the life sap to last thousands of years from several millenia. It may not be the same plant, but they are from one Shami plant, forming multitude of them from thousands of years and help in procreation, protection of it's kind)
On this day with the blessings of nature, Arjuna fought Mahabharath war, victorioususly,  with his great weapon Gandiva, dhanush with bow and arrows, to fight even the greatest of the great warriors, 
Sri Rama was able to receive Seetha, after winning the war with Ravana, and freeing Seetha ji from being kidnapped by Ravana.
Let us remember since how many millenia trees and ecology are protecting us, remembering the heros of the past eras,  who protected nature and pledged to protect them, before taking up any war.
May Shami tree, with the nature keep giving us fresh air and stop pollution.
May that strength help us to conquer our enemies again and again. (Enemies is symbolic, even our inability to fight six senses too and control our urge to yield to those senses.. etc.need be conquered)
Aum, let there be peace, let there be peace, let there be peace.
Happy Vijaya Dasami to all, 
"The year that beautifies everything"

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Inspired By A Ray Of Hope And Spirit

It’s that time 
In your life
You ain’t never 
Gonna matter
To anyone
It’s that type
Of a life
Where it doesn’t matter 
Where you been
All day long
Nor all night through
You ought to love
Just as your neighbor
And spend your 
Two cents in
Making life just
A little better
Than what you've
Where you've been
And make it
A little more loving
For one to dwell
Not the same old same old 
Dump of a day
Every minute matters,
If you take it into account
Of what you give,
Less trash and more matter,
Then you have
O yes, you have
Of course you have 
Always lived your life
A little more sweeter
A little more hotter
Little more zestier,
Than what your people
Might know of you
By trying a little more 
With laughter 
And happiness
Sans ignorance or 
Annoyance, so

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

When Saraswati Mata Blesses, Be There!

   Uma jiji from Richmond TX 
I have been meaning to write about Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Chinna Jeeyar Swamy ji's visit since the past few years and I realize when I am asked to write, I had some thing or the other that came up. I could not present my observations from almost three or five visits since.
That was not my intention however, it slipped through the mesh of small things to be done and taken care of, while the moments, in form of kalasya Narayana, slipped past into ever moving void of eternity..
Of all these years, of attempting to write, I had seen life in several of its forms, unfolding to me. I have perceived Eshwara swaroopam very close to my heart and soul a number of times and, rest is a thing of past .
To the devotee who truly wishes to perceive God, He will manifest.
I like to revisit this topic and share my thoughts,  however, I like to revisit another time.
Today, I just wanted to update that, I faced lot of troubles and tried several attempts to write anything ; They all became futile efforts and I realize the reason could be that, when Saraswati mata blesses you with a skill to write, and when you are asked to present your observations and learnings, you just need to do. If the flow of knowledge is stopped, or restricted, it may vanish. I have seen since  then, no matter what I took up, it did not get done. Not the 6 weeks course in leadership from Said's school of Business, Oxford University, not a doctoral study attempt from Vedic University not a post graduate course in my mother tongue, Telugu; not my projects I intend to complete in my executive doctoral studies, so far.
Today, I am able to understand, no matter what or how I need to present my work, what I need first and foremost is discipline, and sincerity. One cannot fulfill bigger dreams if one cannot catch up with smaller tasks. All tasks of knowledge sharing are ordained by mata Saraswati themselves.
I will update my future endeavours as and how I achieve the attempts and succeed in fulfilling my duties and tasks. I already feel lighter sharing my thoughts with You all. Jai Srimannarayana adiyen _/\_
Prayers to mata Saraswati: 
Sree Sharada, mother of all arts, knowledge, and seat of wisdom, may you bless all, may I be included in those blessings and seek your Karuna. Adiyen.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

No Matter What, Chanting Helps Me Always

No matter what: Let This Be Known:
I have experienced the power of Rama namam and Narayana mantram so profoundly everytime, since over a decade or two. Several years back, on one Sunday at Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple, as I was standing during Maha Harathi time, I felt very painful in my knees and could not even stay standing. Our friends and devotees Sriman Srinivas Bojja garu and Smt. Kumudha Bojja garu helped me to walk until the end of the hall where I could sit down. There were rows of chairs to help one sit down. After I went home, my feet were still hurting for days. But one time as the song Sri Ramachandra krupaalu bhaja man was coming on TV, I was surprised to see I was regaining my ability to stand and walk. I had similar problems with my hands, feet, as well as talking many times. I was unable to lift even a spoon or a book with my hands due to some arthritis or mascular pain, but Ramachandra Kripalu have blessed me again to mobilize my limbs and bring back normalcy. I just pick up my self, and do mudras I learnt as a  Bhratnatyam student many many years back and see that I am able to move my neck, hands, feet using the jnanam bestowed on me from matha Saraswati themselves in form of Gurus, from Munshi ji of Hyderabad to Uma Nagarseth ji of Houston, where on and off I was fortunate to learn some tattaduvus etc. Even when I am alone, I keep getting these ischemic attacks, but recover  quickly or eventually. They said it could be due to Potassium deficiency. That has helped me whenever I needed, but I do not have to depend on the medicine much. 

Last night again I was affected, actually I noticed since a week or so. My knee would hurt so much even if I sit on a chair for as much as 10 -15 minutes, continually. I have to get up and walk or put my concentration and pull my strength together and walk. I cannot do it alone. I chant name of Sri Rama or Narayana, and it gives me strength. I cannot walk at that time, I have to follow the energy of the rhythm to stay alive, from the sound waves of Rama namam.
 It is the inner force of Shri Parvathi matha, and Saraswati and Sri matha that gives me strength and ability to be mobile by following the rhythm, of the namasmaran or chanting and take steps as given by the gurus and take aduvulu, or any movement. If not, I am a vegetable.
Last night at the Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple again, I was suffering with another episode of Ischemic attack and had to walk out from where I was sitting and listening to Shri Swamy ji's lecture. As I pulled myself out before it was too late even to walk by myself, Smt. Laxmi Medi ji noticed and came rushing to help me. I went into the Goda ammavaru's garden (Nandana vanam, developed by devotees and volunteers of Shri Ashtalakshmi Temple) where Tulasi, and other Pushpa vanams are there, talk to each leaf, petal and creeper, finding Narayana in their love as if they move their heads or tiny fingers through the petals and creepers. They respond to you, love you and give you life source and happiness to be able to stay alive and show our gratitude to mother earth. 
I did not share since so many years, but nama smaran gives me life, when everyone who helped me raise are in India or elsewhere, I trust His name and the sound of His name pulls every string in my otherwise inactive body and makes me move, chant or dance and once again keeps me alive. Jai Srimannarayana Jai SriRam Jai Jai Jai Srimannarayana πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’πŸ’πŸ™πŸ™adiyen

Monday, March 20, 2023

a one line review of Truelies: on CBS..

Hey guys. 
The story: has theme, and keeps building each day, with a make believe worklife and home life.. 
The action: protagonists try to put up a 007 kind of action in a 40 minutes show, absolutely Truelie. Neither can they deliver the product nor can they pretend without pretension..yeah. that is how tautological it is... yeah. That too...

Direction: actors chip in a whole bunch of words, all at a time. Music is not blended. It is inserted, haphazardly.  Scenes of action ditto.
It could have made a better audio or podcast show... not audiovisual... 
Action, trying their best but so are other academy awardees.
Overall rating
***.... ok *. (3+1, in all i.e.)

No more.